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Operating charter

Co-authors and acknowledgements in publications


If a platform staff member is required to be an author or co-author of a publication, the following affiliation must be indicated, in accordance with the AVIESAN charter:

SFR-Santé, INSERM, CNRS, UNIV Nantes, CHU Nantes, Nantes, France

Whether or not a member of the platform is a co-author of the publication, we ask you in all cases to indicate the information below in the acknowledgements:

We acknowledge the IBISA MicroPICell facility (Biogenouest), member of the national infrastructure France-Bioimaging supported by the French national research agency (ANR-10-INBS-04).


Platform access and use charter

The platform's operating charter can be downloaded via the link below.

All users of the MicroPIcell platform must accept and apply these rules.

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Mis à jour le 21 October 2024.